Myriad Health Benefits Behind the Fragrance of Tea

For some people, drink tea instead of just being plain, but has become part of the lifestyle. Tea is very popular not only because of taste and smell fragrant, but also because it has many benefits for your health.

Tea is like an alarm reminder to you start the day. Within a day, it was not enough that we drank only one cup. Usually we often serve tea to guests or family.
Tea is very popular because in addition to fragrance, it also has health giving properties. In tea there are substances that can be used for medical therapy. Is the result of processing tea shoots (young leaves) of tea plant (Camellia sinensis) is used as a beverage ingredient.

There are various legends of the origins of tea, but the most popular is the legend of Emperor Shen-Nung from Yunan province of China in 2737 BC. Drink water while it is cooking, with a leaf accidentally from dry twigs that he used as firewood, flying and submerged into the water kettle. Leaves steeping water was then generate a new flavored beverage typical hitherto known as a tea.

A good tea is produced from the shoots (pecco) plus 2-3 pieces of young leaves, because the young leaves are rich in polyphenolic compounds, caffeine and amino acids. A number of these compounds which will affect the quality of color, aroma and taste of tea.

Tea processing is the main basis of the utilization of the oxidation of polyphenolic compounds present in tea leaves. Oxidation process is commonly called fermentation.

Here are some properties of tea and usefulness:

Black Tea

Black tea is easily recognizable in the market because it was black and the most widely consumed. In the process of treatment were given full opportunity occurs fermentation (chemical changes so that almost all perfect tannin content of fermented into theaflavins and thearubigin).

This fermentation process the tea leaves will change color from green to brown and drying process to turn black.

The study, published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology evidence shows that black tea is effective in reducing cortisol, a stress hormone.

"The study found that people who drank black tea may be deductible stress more quickly than those who drank other types of tea," Bailey explained.

Furthermore, he said, participants decreased levels of cortisol in their blood after severe stress. The key, they consume black tea four times per day for six weeks. Black tea is also able to reduce the risk of cancer.

 White tea

Is the best type of tea due to get it, just taken from one shoots every single tree, which is the highest and the main shoots. Highest antioxidant content. In the process, the tea leaves are allowed to wither naturally so the color is white.

Quality of tea is a collection of properties owned by the tea, both physical and chemical properties. Both of these properties have been owned since I was a bud tea or obtained as a result of handling and processing techniques are performed.

White tea, white tea extract proves especially able to slow the growth of bacteria that cause Staphylococcus infections, Streptococcus infections, pneumonia and dental caries, as well as improve immune system function.

"According to Milton Schiffenbauer PhD, professor of microbiology and biology at Pace University's Dyson College of Arts & Sciences, antiviral and antibacterial effects of some brands of toothpaste is because of the additional extracts of white tea," Bailey added.

Green tea
Tea leaves are not given the opportunity fermentation (almost no experience the process of chemical change). Usually the tea buds are processed directly by the heat / steam to stop the activity of the enzyme so that the same as the raw leaf (leaf tea initially), as besides the color is still green it also contains tannins that are still relatively high.

Green tea is often used to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, lowering cholesterol, losing weight (especially abdominal fat). Green tea is also beneficial in lowering risk of diabetes and Alzheimer's.

Herbal tea

Herbal teas are not derived from Camillia sinensis (tea plant). Although not classified as tea in a technical sense, and still offers many health benefits.

Herbal teas contain no caffeine. So, you can enjoy it all day until bedtime because this tea is not going to mess up your night sleep.

"According to the Food and Drugs Association (FDA), herbal tea is very impressive in terms of lowering stress, which becomes a risk factor for heart failure and premature aging," explains Bailey.

Mixed with various organic materials, such as berries and flower petals mawah, herbal tea to reduce stress, aid digestion, and have lots of antioxidants. We know that antioxidants able to drive free radicals so that the body away from diseases including cancer.

In addition to the body's health giving properties, tea also has a content of chemical compounds consisting of three major groups, each of which have health benefits, namely:


Polyphenols in tea form of catechins and flavanols. These compounds act as antioxidants to capture free radicals in the body is also effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body. Free radicals in our bodies due to environmental air pollution and also from the food we eat.


Elements of caffeine in tea is considerably less than the coffee that is as a mild stimulant on the central nervous system so as to accelerate blood circulation to the brain. By drinking tea regularly will increase the level of memory, cognitive performance, mood and feeling of pleasant.

vitamin E
In one cup of tea contains vitamin E as much as about 100-200 IU a day which is a necessity for the human body. This amount serves to maintain a healthy heart and smooth the skin.

vitamin C

This vitamin serves as an immunity or resistance to the human body. Besides vitamin C also functions as an antioxidant that is necessary for the human body resistance to disease.

A recent study conducted in England shows that drinking tea regularly can maintain the integrity of bones and prevent osteoporosis. Active compounds contained in tea act like weak estrogen hormone that helps protect bones against the fragility

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