Eye Exercises Can Sharpen the Brain

Eye exercises not only strengthen the muscles around the eyes and improve vision, but also can enhance the ability and shrewdness. How?

Useful addition to the ability of vision, eye exercises can also improve concentration, memory and focus.
Launched LIVESTRONG, here are some ways the brain exercises that can sharpen the brain:

1. Exercise to focus
To train the mind focus and attention, ask someone to hold two small objects with different colors, such as colored pencils, small balls of yarn, coins or anything like that, in front of or beside his shoulder.

Then you try to focus on just one object for several seconds, then move the focus on the second object. Vary the order of focus and time spent to see the different objects.

2. Exercise tracking
Tracking not only train the eye muscles, but also helps the brain to anticipate and follow the path of a moving object. Do this exercise alone or with a partner.

Hold an object like a pencil in hand and slowly moving away from you. Focus on the end of a pencil, then move the pencil in a pattern, such as windshield wipers, then switch to a pattern of circles, clockwise and then counterclockwise.

This exercise helps to maintain focus and attention on moving objects and is often used as a treatment for attention disorders.

3. Exercise for the memory
Play a memory game using cards or things like that are placed face down. Play more than two cards at once to match identical cards that can improve memory.

You can also improve memory by eye exercises sway, according to research quoted in The Sunday Times. This exercise can increase the interaction between the right hemisphere and left hemisphere.

How, in the morning try to switch the focus back and forth between two stationary objects for 30 seconds. For example, drag the view from one side of the computer screen to another or from one side of the bed to another.

4. Video games
According to National Geographic, a video game that requires you to track the object when using the mouse or keypad to reach the goal during game play can improve the coordination between hand and eye. Such games can also help the depth perception and ability to think and solve problems at the same time.

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