10 Tips to Study Smart

Learning suddenly before the exam is not effective. At least a month before the test is an ideal time for revision. The material is a lot not a problem. There are ten smart way so that when we learn to become effective.

1. Learning is understood not merely memorize
Yes, the main function of why we must learn is to understand new things. We can 100% memorized every detail of the lesson, but more important is whether we have understood very well with all materials memorize it. So before memorizing, always try to first understand the outline of the subject matter.
2. Reading is the key to learning
So we can understand, at least read the new material twice a day, before and after the material is explained by the teacher. Because the brain is processing as many as three times the material can be guaranteed to be stored long enough in our brain.

3. Points lesson notes
Leave a lesson a long record. Take the gist or conclusion of each lesson that has been re-read. The key words here's a handy later when we repeat the lesson during the exam.

4. Remember the key words
Sometimes, inevitably we have to memorize the subject matter quite a lot. Actually this can be handled. Make the key words of each recitation, so memorable in the brain when we called him.

5. Select the appropriate study time
Time to learn the most delicious is the saaat our bodies are still fresh. Indeed, not everyone had a good time learning the same lo. But usually, the morning is the perfect time to concentrate fully. Use this time to process new materials. Remnants of the energy can be used to repeat lessons and homework.

6. Build a comfortable learning atmosphere
Many things can make a comfortable learning atmosphere. We can select a song to suit our mood. Place to learn we can also customize. If you're bored in the room could be on the terrace or in the library. The key lest we interfere with learning activities and disturbed by others.

7. Forms Study Groups
Then again bored self-study, can learn together with friends. Not have a lot because it would not be effective, a maximum of five people. Create a division of the material to be learned each person. Then each person take turns explaining the material possessions it to all other members. Learning atmosphere like this are usually exciting and we are guaranteed to going hard to sleep.

8. Train our own capabilities
Actually we can train our own brainpower. At the end of each chapter lesson, usually always given practice questions. No need to wait for instructions from the teacher, try to answer all the questions and check the extent of our ability. If the material is not the answer in the book, try to ask the teacher.

9. Develop material that has been studied
If we had repeated the material and answer all the practice questions, do not immediately close the book. Try to think critically-style scientist. Make a few questions that have not been included in the exercises. Ask the teacher to answer. If not satisfied, find the answer in other reference books or the internet. In this way invites us to always think ahead and critical.

10. Take time to rest
Learning to be tight, but do not forget to rest. If in class, each class breaks used to loosen the body and mind. Every 30-45 minutes of study time at home we are always interspersed with rest. If the mind is whole, useless to push yourself. After the break, a fresh body and brain are ready to accept new material.

One again, the purpose of tests and examinations is to measure the extent of our ability to understand the course material in school. In addition to answering practice questions, there are other ways to test whether we have understood the material or not. Let us explain with words alone any material that has been studied. If we can explain clearly and regularly, no need to detail, means we already understand.

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