9 Factor Makes You Happy

You may not have been able to buy a car, can not travel abroad, or have not had a girlfriend. But it does not mean you are not happy. Without your awareness, it turns out you have a lot of other things that a sign that you're actually very happy. Apparently, there are several factors, revealed by various studies, which plays a role in your happiness level. Do you already have those factors?
Always smiling
Take a look at your photos while still in college. Do you tend to smile or laugh? If yes, your tendency to get divorced later reduced by five times than those who seem less happy in her pictures, so according to a new study from DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana. Positive smile could attract other happy people, even to pick a partner.

Have a sister
People with at least one sister were reported to have better social support, more optimistic, and the ability to overcome the problem, according to a study presented at the annual conference of the British Psychological Society. Peempuan brother seems to encourage communication and closeness in the family.

Rarely watch TV
People are happiest watching TV while 30 percent more than those who spend more often, reported the University of Maryland. University analyzed data from more than 45,000 Americans over 34 years. Those who rarely watch TV prefer to use the time to socialize, read, or attend religious events. These habits make people have mood and better health.

Displaying souvenir or photo on the desk
If you love displaying pictures after a vacation or a reminder of the days fun, chances are you are more appreciative and happier life, says Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside. Sweet memories of family gatherings or vacations with friends can remind you about the potential for happiness and the promise that soon you can get it again.

Making exercise a priority
People who like exercising able to cope with stress and tend to feel more satisfied with their lives, according to the opinion of Danish researchers. Compared with people who prefer to relax, people who regularly jog the possibility of stress and dissatisfaction in life decreases by 70 percent. But it's not too late if you want to change habits. You are starting a mild exercise (for about 17-34 minutes a day) will experience an increased sense of happiness.

Have a healthy love life
Expert economist from the University of Warwick, England, David Blanchflower, PhD, and Andrew Oswald, PhD, said, physical intimacy is an important factor to happiness. People who are married tend to have sex 30 percent more often than singles, which could be the reason why they are happier.

Get together with people who are happy
Get together with people who are positive, certainly better than with a negative person. Often socialize with people who are happy in your neighborhood will increase your tendency to be happy. How often do you spend time together, also play a role. According to researchers, who lived about 800 yards from a nice neighbor will increase his happiness up to 42 percent. If you live more distant neighbors (radius 3 km), the odds decreased by 22 percent. The reason, perhaps because you become more rarely met face to face.

Love the hot chocolate
According to a study from Yale University, the distinctive aroma of coffee, tea, hot chocolate or steaming, is also able to collect a positive feeling. This is due to the physical warmth of the people associate with emotional warmth. Warm cup that you hold will be more radiate friendliness or warmth on the other, are also feeling more generous and trusting.

Have two good friends
Among the 654 people marry, they are said to have at least two good friends (not necessarily their own spouses) are more likely to have better mental well-being. However, having more friends does not mean you will get more happiness than the two good friends.

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